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Blong, R (2004) Residential building damage and natural perils: Australian examples and issues. Building Research & Information, 32(05), 379–90.

Comerio, M C (2004) Public policy for reducing earthquake risks: a US perspective. Building Research & Information, 32(05), 403–13.

Freeman, P K (2004) Allocation of post-disaster reconstruction financing to housing. Building Research & Information, 32(05), 427–37.

Gibb, A, Lingard, H, Behm, M and Cooke, T (2014) Construction accident causality: learning from different countries and differing consequences. Construction Management and Economics, 32(05), 446-59.

Hegazy, T and Saad, D A (2014) A microeconomic perspective on infrastructure rehabilitation. Construction Management and Economics, 32(05), 433-45.

Jacobsson, M and Roth, P (2014) Towards a shift in mindset: partnering projects as engagement platforms. Construction Management and Economics, 32(05), 419-32.

Jewell, C, Flanagan, R and Lu, W (2014) The dilemma of scope and scale for construction professional service firms. Construction Management and Economics, 32(05), 473-86.

Lam, T and Gale, K (2014) Highway maintenance: impact of framework agreements upon project financial performance. Construction Management and Economics, 32(05), 460-72.

Manfield, P, Ashmore, J and Corsellis, T (2004) Design of humanitarian tents for use in cold climates. Building Research & Information, 32(05), 368–78.

Schilderman, T (2004) Adapting traditional shelter for disaster mitigation and reconstruction: experiences with community-based approaches. Building Research & Information, 32(05), 414–26.

Spence, R (2004) Risk and regulation: can improved government action reduce the impacts of natural disasters?. Building Research & Information, 32(05), 391–402.

White, R R (2004) Managing and interpreting uncertainty for climate change risk. Building Research & Information, 32(05), 438–48.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: adaptation; building stock; built environment; climate change; extreme weather; risk management; urban risk analysis; vulnerability
  • ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
  • URL: http://journalsonline.tandf.co.uk/link.asp?id=wmqan8arkr8mak73
  • Abstract:
    Climate change is a significant risk for the built environment because it implies not only warmer weather, but also more extreme weather events, such as storms, droughts and heat waves. Considerable uncertainty about the future also exists, partly because of the response of society's apparent reluctance to mitigate climate change by reducing fossil fuel consumption. An adaptive response to the challenge draws on the literature on climate change, the urban environment, natural hazards and risk analysis. Two concepts - life cycle costs and the avoidance of ruin - provide a useful framework for factoring the uncertainty associated with climate change into a risk analysis for the built environment. Monitoring, prediction, data management and communication are the unglamorous underpinnings of a successful urban risk-management strategy. For cities to develop a significantly improved response capacity, the active support of senior levels of government is essential because cities have neither the legal powers nor the resources to tackle climate change on their own. Ultimately, the biggest challenges are institutional and behavioural.