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Akeremale, I D (2022) Supply chain management in prefabricated housing construction in Nigeria, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Newcastle (Australia).

Boateng, E B (2021) The role of human safety interventions on co-workers’ safety outcomes in construction projects, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Newcastle (Australia).

Brewer, G (2008) Innovation and attitude: mapping the profile of ICT decision-makers in architectural, engineering and construction firms, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Newcastle (Australia).

  • Type: Thesis
  • Keywords: construction firms; architectural engineering; communication; decision making; information and communication technology; innovation; thematic analysis; project team; interview
  • URL: https://hdl.handle.net/1959.13/33054
  • Abstract:
    Information and communication technology (ICT) advances relating to the architectural, engineering and construction (AEC) sector have been rapid, offering efficiency gains and improved business effectiveness. However economic considerations, industry-specific conditions, legal, and business issues have limited their adoption by multi-firm project teams. ICT adoption rates are the manifestation of boundedly rational business decisions, formed by personal attitudes to innovation. Although attitudes are personal constructs they are phenomena that are experienced, can be personally reported, and observed from a distance. This research maps attitudinal influences wherein the attitudinal profiles of decision-makers can be located. Adopting etic and emic perspectives it reveals independent indication of the extent and features of the phenomenon, and the personal construction of meaning and rules for decision-making. These perspectives are obtained using an asynchronous, online Delphi study of 13 international experts, combined with investigation of the phenomenological experiences of 39 experienced practitioners through in-depth interviews. Thematic analysis, supported by appropriate correlation analysis reveals patterns and structure in each study, which are modeled. These are then synthesised into a unified, multi-dimensional model. This model reveals that individual attitude is composed of a number of components: exogenous issues include human, technological and business processes; an endogenous component relating to personal considerations; technological push, cultural pull, and a temporal dimension. It posits intra-firm and inter-organisational dimensions, observing variance along a continuum related to the context within which they are being considered. The significance of this research is twofold: it maps the domain within which ICT decision-makers in the AEC sector make their decisions; it provides a reliable basis upon which to base further investigations.

Deep, S (2021) Influence of ‘power’ and ‘dependence’ attributes on main contractor and sub-contractor collaboration in construction projects, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Newcastle (Australia).

Lijauco, F A (2020) The impact of culture on innovation propensity in construction small-to-medium enterprises and sole traders, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Newcastle (Australia).

Mwelu, N (2020) Compliance and regulatory framework in public procurement of public road construction projects in Uganda, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Newcastle (Australia).

Newaz, M T (2019) The psychological contract to measure safety outcomes on construction sites, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Newcastle (Australia).

Ogunmakinde, O E (2019) Developing a circular-economy-based construction waste minimisation framework for Nigeria, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Newcastle (Australia).