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Abdallah, A M (2021) A study on bridge inspections: Identifying barriers to new practices and providing strategies for change, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Arslan, M (1993) Public investment and infrastructure planning: A policy modelling approach for the Turkish investment sector, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Balloffet, A F (1992) Applications of decision support systems in water resources planning: The goal-setting stage, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Besiktepe, D (2021) Multi-criteria decision-making approach for building maintenance in facility management, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Biltonen, E F (2001) Cost-benefit analysis of a flood protection project incorporating poverty alleviation concerns: Case study Vietnam, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Coelho Maran, A C (2010) Multicriteria decision support system to delineate water resources planning and management regions, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Darragh, A J R (2001) Patterns of injury among residential construction workers before and after a safety intervention program, 1994--1998, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Darragh, A J R (2001) Patterns of injury among residential construction workers before and after a safety intervention program, 1994-1998, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Gehrig, G B (2002) A decision support system framework to improve design-construction integration and project performance on public sector underground utility projects, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Ghavam, H R (1990) Characteristics of external activators in third world village development, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

  • Type: Thesis
  • Keywords: education; failure; statistical analysis; civil engineer
  • URL: https://www.proquest.com/docview/303838975
  • Abstract:
    Civil engineers as managers of development projects need social and psychological insights for better understanding of the issues surrounding the development projects. Today, managers of development projects can not afford risking the failure of development projects by focusing only on the technical aspects and ignoring the human aspects which are integral parts of development projects. This study is focused on the human aspects of development projects, and hopes to help civil engineers realize that if they want to have successful development projects, they must pay more attention to the social and human aspects of the development projects. Four hypotheses were developed about the effects of different characteristics of external activators (E.A.s) on the success of the development projects. These characteristics are: equal emphasis on achieving both technical and social goals, villagers' greater role in different phases of the projects, conversion of villagers' latent needs into expressed needs, and E.A.s' preparation in education, experience, orientation to type of work and orientation to the area. A questionnaire was developed to test the hypotheses and was sent to different E.A.s for response. The sample in this study was a convenience sample and the intention of the study was not to generalize the results of the hypotheses, but to determine relationships between variables for the purpose of generating hypotheses for future testing. Statistical analysis was conducted on the data that was gathered from the returned questionnaires. Data analysis does not support that equal emphasis on achieving both technical and social goals by E.A.s results in more overall success, but it does suggest that: (1) Greater villagers' role in different phases of the projects results in more overall success in the projects. (2) There is more success in the projects, if villagers recognize their needs and ask the E.A.s for their help. (3) E.A.s with more preparation in the type of work that they will be performing in the projects have more overall success in the projects.

Gunderson, D E (2005) Needs assessment: Construction management doctoral programs in the United States, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Jackson, B J (2000) The perceptions of experienced construction practitioners regarding ethical transgressions in the construction industry, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Johnson, B T (2007) Exploring the use of virtual construction to capture knowledge and reduce waste for residential projects, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Kumar, S (2023) Optimization of sustainability and resilience for transportation projects, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Mehany, M S H M (2014) Delay-caused claims in infrastructure projects under design-bid-build delivery systems, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Moore, J D (2006) Women in construction management: Creating a theory of career choice and development, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Plugge, P W (2007) An evidence-based comparison of construction project delivery, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Stewart, D R (2000) Environmental decision-making: Combining engineering and business aspects, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Thadicaran, A B G (1997) Implementation strategies for water resources projects under uncertainties of completion time, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Tummalapudi, M (2022) Strategic factors for implementing a multiple career path construction doctoral program: A mixed methods study, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Weber, P A (2000) Requisite skill differences of baccalaureate graduates among three building disciplines, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.

Yearsley, W S (2007) How differences in heavy civil project set-up practices impact performance, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , Colorado State University.