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Abdulmajid, S A D (1967) Resource forecasting models for private housing projects, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Adams, C D (1995) Procurement of microtunnelling projects, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Adul-Hamid, R (1996) Construction duration prediction using neural network methodology, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Barros D'Sa, A A J (2003) Changes in the liabilities and concerns of the construction professions at the turn of the 21st century, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Coram, W R (1997) The privatisaton of the property services agency, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Eldosoky, A I (1987) Dealing with uncertainty in construction projects with particular reference to Egypt, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Fenn, F P (1999) An aetiology of construction disputes, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Holden, S L (2021) Land, materials, and construction site: Decommodification through alternative construction, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Inyang, E D (1983) Some aspects of risk analysis for decision making in engineering projects management, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester (United Kingdom).

  • Type: Thesis
  • Keywords: construction project; contingency; construction phase; cost estimating; decision making; estimating; net present value; probability; risk analysis; simulation; experiment
  • URL: https://www.proquest.com/docview/1783040140
  • Abstract:
    There is a reasonable consensus, both in industry and in academia that there are some credibility and implementation gaps and also, gaps in knowledge in certain aspects of risk analysis for decision making. In recognition of the existence of these gaps and the need for them to be narrowed or bridged the author introduces new or extends existing procedures, approaches, models or concepts in Risk Analysis for Decision Making. The research covers two main areas of decision making: (1) whole project; and (2) Construction phase only. Extensive use is made of results from case project simulation experiments. For any particular study or analysis, the project cases are selected such that they are representative of a wide range of project types. Quantitative criteria for risk analysis modelling using the sensitivity of the risk variables in the risk analysis model is provided. The sensitivity of the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and the Net Present Value (NPV) decision criteria of different project models are studied and general conclusions which are useful in decision making are drawn. The effect of Input probability distributions on decision criteria output probability distributions from risk analysis models are studied. Conditions under which errors could occur if outputs probability distributions are approximated to the Normal distribution are identified. In the area of Construction Project Management decision making: the author develops a risk analysis and probabilistic Cost Estimating model; uses the model to study certain aspects of risk analysis and provides guidance for risk analysis users, especially in the area of Correlation of variables in risk analysis models; and introduces new approaches to Contingency evaluation.

Luo, J (1998) The transitional construction industry and sino-foreign construction joint ventures in the p.R. Of China, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester (United Kingdom).

Luo, J and Gale, A (1998) The transitional construction industry and sino-foreign construction joint ventures in the p. R. Of China, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Merna, T (2004) Assessing methods to analyse portfolios of projects and their risks procured by project finance, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Mohamed Sultan, A A B (2019) Decision tools for recycling with a focus on fibre reinforced composites, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Ng, S-t T (1996) Case-based reasoning decision support for contractor prequalification, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester (United Kingdom).

Nosair, I A R (1987) The relevance of computerised modelling techniques to construction management problems and training in Egypt, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester (United Kingdom).

Nour, H A (2003) An information approach for enhancing the health and safety file, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Parvar, J (2003) Neural networks decision support system (decision to bid), Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester (United Kingdom).

Peacock, W S (1990) Site investigation procedures and risk analysis, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Samo, S R (1999) Energy conservation in UK housing and the effect of building regulations, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester (United Kingdom).

Sansone, R (2020) Latent matters: Megaprojects and political imaginaries in post-revolution Tunis, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Shakeri, E (2002) An investigation of privately promoted infrastructure (ppi) strategy in developing countries: Public-private partnership (ppp) approach, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Sigonda, G G G (2000) The impact of infrastructural projects on the environment in Tanzania: The case of mindu dam, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Suraji, A (2001) Development and validation of a theory of construction accident causation, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Tipple, C (1993) An analysis of the development of the construction industry since the 18th century, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Wearne, S H (1969) Organization of large engineering design departments, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Yeo, K T (1982) A systems approach to cost management of large scale offshore oil projects, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.