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Abdul-Aziz, A-R (1991) Global strategies of construction firms, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Abdullah, F (1999) The Malaysian construction industry: an analysis on the impact of Vision 2020, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of Construction Management & Engineering, University of Reading.

Abu Bakar, R (1998) The management practices and organisational culture of large Malaysian construction contractors, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Abulfatih, B M (2000) Project manager's effectiveness in productivity of Bahrain's construction industry, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Abuzaid, G (2010) Determining the competitiveness of UK's consulting engineering firms through the dynamic capabilities view, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Ajelabi, I K (2013) Product based project portfolio and information sharing, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Al-Bizri, S (1995) Design management plan generator (DMPG): a knowledge-based system for planning the design processes in the construction industry, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of Construction Management & Engineering, University of Reading.

Al-Ghamdi, M (2000) The value of engineering design: a study of perceptions of the consulting engineer's contribution to building and civil engineering projects, and the marketing of consulting services, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Al-Mansouri, O (1988) The relationship between the designer and contractor in Saudi Arabia, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of Construction Management, University of Reading.

Al-Omari, J A (1992) Critique of aspects of development theory using construction industry in a capital-surplus developing economy as an exemplar, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Alghamdi, A M (2022) A systemic approach for construction contract claims settlement in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Algithami, S M (2017) The use of a system dynamics approach for modelling maturity of total quality management in Saudi construction firms, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Alnaser, A A (2018) The implication of BIM use on communication channels in design processes for Saudi architectural engineering firms, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of the Built Environment, University of Reading.

Alnaser, N W (2010) Utilisation of solar and wind energy in buildings in the Kingdom of Bahrain: a step towards sustainable building construction, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Alqarni, K H (2018) A case study of information technology acceptance in the Saudi Arabian architecture, engineering and construction industry, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Alsharif, M A (2017) Improving sustainability on university campuses in Saudi Arabia: An assessment of organisational and decision-related opportunities and barriers, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of the Built Environment, University of Reading.

Amakali, T R (2017) Inclusive design policy implementation: an organizational knowledge creation perspective, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Amirudin, R B (1998) The application of a knowledge-based engineering approach to the structural design of steel framed office buildings, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Ancell, D J (2007) Performance-based contracting in construction: innovation for the brave?, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Ansari, S (2020) Investigating the energy performance of a multiuse venue building, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Aranda-Mena, G (2003) Mapping workers' cognitive structures of construction site hazards, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Barton, D A (1988) The effects of step changes on the construction industry: A study of the reaction of construction industries to change, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Bevan, W (2016) An investigation of the required skills for the delivery of low and zero carbon buildings within a region, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Bilhaif, A (1990) The influence of high temperatures on the productivity of construction workers, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Blackburn, S K (2001) Understanding project managers at work, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Boyd, N J P (2016) From bicycles to buildings: a SCOT analysis of project level adoption of BIPV, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

  • Type: Thesis
  • Keywords: decision making; design decision; innovation; procurement; project manager; roles; social construction of technology; sustainable development
  • URL: http://centaur.reading.ac.uk/69070/
  • Abstract:
    Building is consistently identified as one of the key sectors for sustainable development in general and for energy savings in particular (IPCC, 2007). The use of energy in buildings has been shown to account for around 40% of UK energy usage and improvements in building energy use and efficiency have become a significant focus of attention. This has resulted in the incorporation of innovative energy saving and renewable technologies into buildings. Worryingly, technological innovations for buildings consistently fail to deliver on their promises of improved efficiency and energy savings. There is a widespread assumption that the adoption of an innovative technology is mainly to do with the conditions of the market and technical effectiveness of the innovation. Given the complex nature of construction projects this assumption about adoption appears simplistic - many innovative technologies have to be accommodated within the fabric of the building and many project actors are involved in its incorporation. This research explores the process of building level adoption and asks what happens when an innovative integrated technology (BIPV) is incorporated into a building and in what ways this might explain the failure of the technology to deliver its potential. The research thus contributes to an understanding of the implications of the adoption of BIPV and other sustainable technologies in buildings. The Social Construction of Technology approach (SCOT) is used to study three UK commercial construction projects which include BIPV. Issues examined include: the changing interests of the actors; the network of problems and possible solutions; and the knock-on effects of the chosen solution on the rest of the project. The SCOT analysis of actors’ interests and their changing relationship with the artefacts provides a way to explore the co-development of the technology and the building, and the adoption process. Interests of actors include: generation maximisation, aesthetic concerns, design optimisation and green guardianship. The SCOT approach is used to focus on design decisions taken over the course of the building project and the influence of different actor interests on these. The research draws out different types of co-development and technology related decision making which occurred during the projects and follows the effect these had on adoption. Rather than using formal roles (architect, designer, project manager etc.) and project stages (initial design, tender, detail design etc.) to explain adoption, the research found that the interests of the groups shifted and changed: sometimes they followed the standard project stages, but sometimes followed different logics. Decision-making was found to be affected by the alignment of technological frames being mobilised by actors and could be dominated by a particular frame at different times. It was not always the seemingly obvious groups which dominated decision-making and shaped the technology. The effect of social artefacts in decision-making was explored. This research develops an understanding of the dynamic process of adoption and concludes with practical implications for standard construction project procurement processes in the adoption of complex innovation.

Bridgewater, C (1992) A new approach to the design of buildings for automated construction, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Carvajal-Figueroa, Alejandro (2006) The identification and measurement of the benefits of visualization technologies during the briefing process, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Chapman, R J (1998) An investigation of the risk of changes to key project personnel during the design stage, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Che Haron, R (2017) Systems thinking paradigm in construction cost estimating reliability, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of the Built Environment, University of Reading.

Collinge, W H (2014) Briefing as meaning making practice through signs: client requirement representations and transformations in construction project design, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Crosthwaite, D (2001) The internationalisation of construction professional services: Consulting engineers overseas, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Dan-Asabe, D (2011) Psychological contract perspective on commitment and retention: the case of Nigeria and UK construction and project managers, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Dania, A A (2017) Sustainable construction at the firm level: case studies from Nigeria, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of the Built Environment, University of Reading.

Djebarni, R (1993) Leadership patterns in the construction industry in Algeria, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Dlamini, S (2014) The relationship of the construction sector to economic growth: analysis of South African and UK construction sectors, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Donyavi, S (2013) Understanding the complexity of materials procurement and the role of technology for small and medium sized enterprises in the construction sector, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Downey, M (2014) Selection and adoption of low and zero carbon technologies in social housing: a socio-technical network approach, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Dowsett, R (2016) Assessing the success of BIM implementation, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Fakhri, H (2015) Public participation in NHS construction projects, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading .

Fillingham, V L (2018) Assessing information management as a tool for the ongoing maintenance of built assets, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of the Built Environment, University of Reading.

Finch, E F (1989) A requisite decision model for the selection of mechanical and electrical services in buildings, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Fisher, N (1987) The use of structured data analysis as a construction management research tool, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Galbraith, P J (1995) The development of a classification system for construction industry clients, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Galha Bartolo, H M (2002) The application of repertory grid techniques to the assessment of users' perceptions of design quality construction, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Gameson, R (1992) An investigation into the interaction between potential building clients and construction professionals, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Green, S D (1996) SMART value management: a group decision support methodology for building design, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Greenwood, D J (2001) Power and proximity: A study of subcontract formation in the UK building industry, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Guo, G (2016) Information exchange using digital collaboration technology: five cases of the social networks in approvals, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Gurjao, S (2010) Inclusivity: understanding the careers of women in the construction industry, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Haksever, A M (1998) Information overload in construction project management, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Hill, S (1997) The complex effects of obstructions on horizontal illuminance in interior lighting design, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Huang, C (2005) The development of an integrated paradigm and a decision support framework for IT innovation adoption, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Jewell, C A (2011) A typology of construction professional service firms: A consulting engineering perspective, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Kähkönen, K E E (1993) Modelling activity dependencies for building construction project scheduling, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Kabiri, S (2014) Role conflict and role ambiguity in construction projects, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Kamal, E M (2011) Absorptive capacity and implementation of new technology in Malaysian small and medium sized construction companies, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Kao, C-C (2004) The briefing process: an organizational knowledge-creation perspective, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Kapambwe, F C (2003) An evaluation of the implications of equity foreign direct investment risks in BOT infrastructure projects for overseas contractors in sub-Saharan Africa, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Karnasuta, P (2004) An examination of the effects of web-based virtual working environments on team effectiveness within construction projects, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Khalid, A G (1992) Hedonic price estimation of the financial impact of obsolescence on commercial property buildings, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Khan, K I A (2016) Management of information complexity using system dynamics for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on construction projects, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Kim, H-s (1998) Value for money in building design: Modelling the cost-quality relationships, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Kim, J H (2003) An approach to facilitate knowledge streams of occasional individual building industry clients at the pre-project stage, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Kim, J I (2004) A study on the factors affecting technology transfer in the Korean construction industry, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Kim, S (2013) Hybrid EVAS-CBR system for the preliminary cost estimation of high-rise buildings, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Kurokawa, M (2015) Tracing client interests in the course of a project: Why are some client interests incorporated whereas others are not?, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Kwawu, W E K (2009) Relational contracting in the UK construction sector, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Lansley, P R (1990) The utilisation of construction management research, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Larsen, G D (2005) A polymorphic framework for understanding the diffusion of innovations within the UK construction industry, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Laryea, S A (2008) How contractors take account of risk in the tender process: theory and practice, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Latif, Hafizah Mohd (2014) Case studies of Malaysian contractor's bidding processes: ethical principles and practices, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Lee, F K S (2016) Construction contractor selection criteria: the effects of relational norms, price and prequalification, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Lewis, A (2013) A framework for improving building operations decisions for energy efficiency, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Li, B (1998) Assessing the influence of the indoor environment on self-reported productivity in offices, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Li, S (1998) An investigation of the build operate transfer approach for infrastucture works in the People's Republic of China, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Liu, J (2005) Organisational learning of risk management for Chinese contractors, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Loosemore, M (1996) Reactive crisis management in traditionally procured building projects: a longitudinal investigation of behaviour and communication patterns, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Luck, R (2007) Analysing talk-in-interaction between architects and users, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

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Maradza, E N (2015) Adaptation of industry BIM process standards in a large construction firm, Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

Marsh, L (1998) Portable datafiles in the construction supply chain, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

Mastrandrea, F (1991) The quantification of construction contractors' claims, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading.

McCausland, K (2021) The design, development and evaluation of GIS applications as decision support tools for ecologically aware infrastructure design, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

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Nanayakkara, L (2004) The motivation of masons in the Sri Lankan construction industry, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , University of Reading.

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