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Chan, T K and Hiap, P T (2012) A balanced scorecard approach to measuring industry performance. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 17(S1), 23-41.

Halim, M S A, Jaafar, M, Osman, O and Shariff Haniff, M (2012) Financial ratio analysis: An assessment of Malaysian contracting firms. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 17(S1), 71-8.

Johar, N (2017) Community participation: A cementing process, theorizing various dimensions and approaches. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 22(S1), 47-61.

Loganathan, S, Srinath, P, Kumaraswamy, M, Kalidindi, S and Varghese, K (2017) Identifying and addressing critical issues in the Indian construction industry: Perspectives of large building construction clients. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 22(S1), 121-44.

Malik, K (2017) Assessment of energy consumption pattern and energy conservation potential at Indian airports. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 22(S1), 97-119.

Ofori, G and Toor, S R (2012) Leadership and construction industry development in developing countries. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 17(S1), 1-21.

Parthasarathy, M K, Murugasan, R and Murugesan, K (2017) A critical review of factors affecting manpower and equipment productivity in tall building construction projects. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 22(S1), 1-18.

Paul, V K and Seth, V (2017) Benchmarking and objective selection of technologies for housing in India using quality function deployment. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 22(S1), 63-78.

Rwelamila, P D (2012) Research contribution to innovation in infrastructure development in Africa: Assessing the status. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 17(S1), 43-56.

Seethapathy, S and Henderson, J H (2017) Management of construction waste in nuclear and thermal power plant projects in India. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 22(S1), 19-46.

Tadayon, M, Jaafar, M and Nasri, E (2012) An assessment of risk identification in large construction projects in Iran. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 17(S1), 57-69.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: construction projects; Iran; risk identification; risk management
  • ISBN/ISSN: 1823-6499
  • URL: http://web.usm.my/jcdc/vol17_s1_2012/Art%204_jcdc17-s1.pdf
  • Abstract:
    One of the most important issue that a project manager must address in construction project management is risk management. Risk management includes identifying risks, assessing risks either quantitatively or qualitatively, choosing the appropriate method for handling risks, and then monitoring and documenting risks. By identifying risks in an early stage of planning and assessing their relative importance, project managers can identify methods used to reduce risks and allocate the best people to mitigate them. Thus, this research focuses on risk identification, as opposed to other processes of risk management. In Iran, "brain-storming sessions" is the most popular method used frequently to identify the risks in projects as deduced from a questionnaire survey from participants in large construction projects. Time and cost management need to be fully integrated with the identification process. Time constraints and project managers with sufficient experience are critical when identifying the level of risk for large and/or complex projects. The most considerable types of risk in construction projects are financial risks, construction risks, and demand or product risks. © Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2012.

Venkateswaran, C B and Murugasan, R (2017) Time delay and cost overrun of road over bridge construction projects in India. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 22(S1), 79-96.