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Ibem, E, O, Onyemaechi, P, C.E and yo-Vaughan, K. N. (2018) Project Selection and Transparency Factors in Housing Public-Private Partnerships in Nigeria . Construction Economics and Building, 18(02), 15-40.

Paz, J, C, Rozenboim, D, Cuadros, Cano, A, S. Escobar P, J, Juan Camilo Paz, David Rozenboim, Álvaro Cuadros, Sandra Cano, John Escobar (2018) A Simulation-Based Scheduling Methodology for Construction Projects Considering the Potential Impacts of Delay Risks . Construction Economics and Building, 18(02), 41-69.

Peel, J, Ahmed, V and Saboor, S (2020) An investigation of barriers and enablers to energy efficiency retrofitting of social housing in London. Construction Economics and Building, 20(02), 127-149.

Adenuga, O and Ibiyemi, A (2009) An assessment of the state of maintenance of public hospital buildings in southwest Nigeria. Construction Economics and Building, 9(02), 51-60.

Adinyira, E, Agyekum, K, Baiden, B K, Ebohon, O J and Ampratwum, G (2020) Regeneration of Sub-Saharan Africa's open marketplaces: a case for guileless stakeholder participation. Construction Economics and Building, 20(02), 165-180.

Akotia, J, Manu, E, Opoku, A and Sackey, E (2020) The role of built environment practitioners in driving the socio-economic sustainability aspects of sustainable regeneration. Construction Economics and Building, 20(02), 89-108.

Akotia, J, Opoku, A, Egbu, C and Fortune, C (2016) Exploring the knowledge ‘base’ of practitioners in the delivery of sustainable regeneration projects . Construction Economics and Building, 16(02), 14-26.

Alashwal, A, M, Fareed, N, F and Al-obaidi, K, M (2017) Determining Success Criteria and Success Factors for International Construction Projects for Malaysian Contractors . Construction Economics and Building, 17(02), 62-80.

Altomonte, S (2005) CH2 - Lighting and physiology. Construction Economics and Building, 5(02), 40-46.

Arashpour, M, Wakefield, R, Blismas, N and Lee E W M (2013) A new approach for modelling variability in residential construction projects. Construction Economics and Building, 13(02), 83-92.

Arif, M, Khalfan, M, Barnard, J and Heller, N (2012) Assessing knowledge retention in construction organisations: cases from the UAE. Construction Economics and Building, 12(02), 55-71.

Aye, L and Fuller, R (2005) An evaluation of a proposed ventilation system for Melbourne's CH2 building. Construction Economics and Building, 5(02), 47-57.

Aye, L and Fuller, R (2005) The proposed heating and cooling system in the CH2 building and its impact on occupant productivity. Construction Economics and Building, 5(02), 32-39.

Baroudi, B and Metcalfe, M (2011) A human perspective of contractor prequalification. Construction Economics and Building, 11(02), 60-70.

Bazen, E (2014) Effect of the Building Act 2011 on compliance costs in Western Australia. Construction Economics and Building, 14(02), 41-56.

Best, R (2009) A refined basket of goods approach for comparing construction costs between countries. Construction Economics and Building, 9(02), 29-38.

Bjork, B-C (2012) A comparison of subscription and open access journals in construction management and related fields. Construction Economics and Building, 12(02), 27-42.

Bowen, P, Cattel, K, Hall, K, Edwards, P and Pearl, R (2002) Perceptions of time, cost and quality management on building projects. Construction Economics and Building, 2(02), 48-56.

Boyle, L and Michell, K (2020) Key ingredients for a collaborative urban regeneration strategy in the Global South. Construction Economics and Building, 20(02), 150-164.

Bröchner, J and Silfwerbrand, J (2019) Performance of performance specifications in design-build highway projects . Construction Economics and Building, 19(02), 111-125.

Chancellor, W, Abbott, M and Carson, C (2015) Factors promoting innovation and efficiency in the construction industry: a comparative study of New Zealand and Australia. Construction Economics and Building, 15(02), 63-80.

Cheung, C (2005) CH2 energy harvesting systems: economic use and efficiency. Construction Economics and Building, 5(02), 20-31.

Cheung, S, Lam, K, Wong, S S and Wong S K (2001) The fee sensitive risk exposures of project authorized person in Hong Kong. Construction Economics and Building, 1(02), 65-72.

Cheung, S. O, Levina, B and Niu, Y (2017) Concentration Analysis of New Private Residential Units Market in Hong Kong . Construction Economics and Building, 17(02), 1-23.

Christermaller, F, Ibrahim, C K I C, Manu, P, Belayutham, S, Mahamadu, A-M and Yunusa-Kaltungo, A (2022) Implementation of design for safety (DFS) in construction in developing countries: A study of designers in Malaysia. Construction Economics and Building, 22(02), 1-26.

Cioffi, J, Wilkes, L and O'Brien, J (2002) Outdoor workers and sun protection: knowledge and behaviour. Construction Economics and Building, 2(02), 10-14.

City of Melbourne (2005) Preamble to special issue. Construction Economics and Building, 5(02), 1-7.

Coggins, J (2011) From disparity to harmonisation of construction industry payment legislation in Australia: a proposal for a dual process of adjudication based upon size of progress payment claim. Construction Economics and Building, 11(02), 34-59.

Consoli, G (2006) The architect's dilemma: a self reflection in understanding prison design and construction in private prison projects. Construction Economics and Building, 6(02), 1-10.

Daddow, T and Skitmore, M (2004) Value management in practice: an interview survey. Construction Economics and Building, 4(02), 11-18.

Dang, C N, Le-Hoai, L and Peansupap, V (2021) Effect of encouragement-based management mechanism on construction firms’ manpower development: An empirical study from Vietnam. Construction Economics and Building, 21(02), 58-80.

Das, D K (2020) Perspectives of smart cities in South Africa through applied systems analysis approach: a case of Bloemfontein. Construction Economics and Building, 20(02), 65-88.

Davis, P (2007) Maintaining relationship based procurement. Construction Economics and Building, 7(02), 37-44.

de Kock, P M and Carta, S (2020) Trojans of ambiguity vs resilient regeneration: visual meaning in cities. Construction Economics and Building, 20(02), 1-24.

de Kock, P M and Carta, S (2020) Trojans of ambiguity vs resilient regeneration: visual meaning in cities. Construction Economics and Building, 20(02), 1-24.

Ding, G (2013) Demolish or refurbish – environmental benefits of housing conservation. Construction Economics and Building, 13(02), 18-34.

Drew, D, Kwong, C, Zou, P and Shen, L Y (2002) Determining the optimal fee-technical proposal combination in two envelope fee bidding. Construction Economics and Building, 2(02), 1-9.

Du, J, Liu, C and Picken, D (2007) A preliminary study on human resources management in international construction. Construction Economics and Building, 7(02), 1-11.

Ekundayo, D, Babatunde, S.O, Ekundayo, A, Perera, S and Udeaja, C (2019) Life cycle carbon emissions and comparative evaluation of selected open source UK embodied carbon counting tools. Construction Economics and Building, 19(02), 220-242.

Fehan, H and Aigbogun, O (2021) Influence of internal organizational factors and institutional pressures on construction firms' performance. Construction Economics and Building, 21(02), 81-99.

Fuller, R J (2004) Operating experiences with an advanced fabric energy storage system. Construction Economics and Building, 4(02), 1-10.

Gajendran, T, Brewer, G and Marimuthu, M (2013) Internationalisation of construction business and e-commerce: Innovation, integration and dynamic capabilities. Construction Economics and Building, 13(02), 1-17.

Gajendran, T, Brewer, G, Dainty, A amd Runeson, G (2012) A conceptual approach to studying the organisational culture of construction projects. Construction Economics and Building, 12(02), 1-26.

Gajendran, T, Brewer, G, Runeson, G and Dainty, A (2011) Investigating informality in construction: philosophy, paradigm and practice. Construction Economics and Building, 11(02), 84-98.

Gharaie, E, Lingard, H and Cooke, T (2015) Causes of fatal accidents involving cranes in the Australian construction industry. Construction Economics and Building, 15(02), 1-12.

Grant, E (2013) “Pack 'em, rack 'em and stack 'em”: the appropriateness of the use and reuse of shipping containers for prison accommodation. Construction Economics and Building, 13(02), 35-44.

Hardie, M, Khan, S, O'Donnell, A and Miller, G (2007) The efficacy of waste management plans in Australian commercial construction refurbishment projects. Construction Economics and Building, 7(02), 26-36.

Hes, D, Morrison, A and Bates, M (2005) Assessment and selection of materials for Melbourne City Council House 2. Construction Economics and Building, 5(02), 8-19.

hu, E, Zou, L and Langston, C (2004) A new interlink decision making index for making multi-criteria decisions. Construction Economics and Building, 4(02), 33-42.

Idoro, G (2009) Evaluating levels of project planning and their effects on performance in the Nigerian construction industry. Construction Economics and Building, 9(02), 39-50.

Jaafar, M, Nuruddin, A and Abu Bakar, S P (2014) Business success and psychological traits of housing developers. Construction Economics and Building, 14(02), 57-72.

Jeary, A and Jeary, I (2001) The influence of flooding risk on infrastructure development in western Sydney. Construction Economics and Building, 1(02), 57-64.

Jiang, H and Liu, C (2014) Spatial linkages among Australian construction markets. Construction Economics and Building, 14(02), 18-30.

Jimoh, R and Van Wyk, J (2013) Ideological leaning and praxis of housing co-operatives in South Africa: matters arising. Construction Economics and Building, 13(02), 54-66.

Kaewsri, N and Tonghong, T (2011) An investigation of women engineers in non-traditional occupations in the Thai construction industry. Construction Economics and Building, 11(02), 1-21.

Khanyile, N.S.M, Musonda,I and Agumba, J.N (2019) Evaluating the relationship between communication management practices and project outcomes: a case study of Eswatini (Swaziland) construction industry. Construction Economics and Building, 19(02), 197-219.

Lahdenperä, P (2017) Towards a Coherent Theory of Project Alliancing: Discovering the System’s Complex Mechanisms Yielding Value for Money. Construction Economics and Building, 17(02), 41-61.

Larsen, J, K, Lindhard, S, M, Brunoe, T. D and Jensen, KN (2018) The Relation between Pre-planning, Commissioning and Enhanced Project Performance. Construction Economics and Building, 18(02), 1-14.

Lim, T (2009) Essence of time in construction contracts. Construction Economics and Building, 9(02), 1-6.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: Time; building cntracts; promissory estoppel; notice cluases
  • ISBN/ISSN: 1445-2634
  • URL: https://doi.org/10.5130/AJCEB.v9i2.3016
  • Abstract:
    The building industry has in recent years seen huge costs incurred due to disputes arising on notice requirement clauses. These claims could have been averted if the parties had been diligent in providing the necessary notices. This article sets out to explore the law briefly as interpreted by the courts in common law and equity and discuss the possibility of defence under the principle of promissory estoppel. More importantly it also shares the author’s view on how such pitfalls could have been prevented by giving the proper notices within the timeline required by the contract conditions. It cannot be emphasised enough that contractors would be wise to comply strictly with the notice provisions in the contract instead of relying on the estoppel principle or waiver or unconscionability to save their day. Notice clauses essentially require a competent contracts administrator to follow the time line provided in the contract conditions and would be most effective if the project team worked closely with the contracts administrator to ensure that proper notices are given when directions or instructions are received. Although it is common to see notice clauses which make it a condition precedent for a contractor to be entitled to claim for an extension of time or loss and expense claim being interpreted restrictively, in any litigation or arbitration it is always difficult to predict how the courts or tribunal would be willing to uphold such notice clause. It is therefore in the interest of the parties that notice clauses should be properly observed. Suffice to say, failure to comply with a notice clause and time bar may be fatal to a claim.

Ling, F Y Y and Hien, M B T (2014) Boosting project outcomes through goal alignment: a case study of Vietnam. Construction Economics and Building, 14(02), 73-86.

Lingard, H and Lin, J (2003) Managing motherhood in the Australian construction industry: work-family balance, parental leave and part-time work. Construction Economics and Building, 3(02), 15-24.

Liu, C, Lyle, B and Langston, C (2003) Estimating demolition costs for single residential buildings. Construction Economics and Building, 3(02), 33-42.

Lobo, Y and Wilkinson, S (2006) The effects of occupational licensing on skills needs in the building industry: evidence from New Zealand. Construction Economics and Building, 6(02), 55-63.

Loosemore, M (2003) Impediments to reform in the Australian building and construction industry. Construction Economics and Building, 3(02), 1-8.

Loosemore, M and Teo, M (2002) The crisis management practices of Australian construction companies. Construction Economics and Building, 2(02), 15-26.

Lukhele, T, Botha, B and Mbanga, S (2021) Exploring project complexity relations to scope changes in construction projects: A case study of NEC projects in South Africa. Construction Economics and Building, 21(02), 18-33.

Luu, D and Sher, W (2006) Construction tender subcontract selection using case-based reasoning. Construction Economics and Building, 6(02), 32-43.

MacDonald, J and Mills, J (2013) An IPD approach to construction education. Construction Economics and Building, 13(02), 93-103.

Mahamid, I (2013) Common risks affecting time overrun in road construction projects in Palestine: contractors’ perspective. Construction Economics and Building, 13(02), 45-53.

Malla, V and Delhi, V S K (2022) Determining interconnectedness of barriers to interface management in large construction projects. Construction Economics and Building, 22(02), 69-101.

Manivannan, J, Loganathan, S, J, K T and Kalidindi, S N (2022) Investigating the relationship between occupational stress and work-life balance among Indian construction professionals. Construction Economics and Building, 22(02), 27-51.

McCarthy, S F (2012) Developing an Australian code of construction ethics. Construction Economics and Building, 12(02), 87-100.

McDermott, P and Khalfan, M (2006) Achieving supply chain integration within construction industry. Construction Economics and Building, 6(02), 44-54.

McLaughlin, P (2003) Peer assessment for construction management and quantity surveying students. Construction Economics and Building, 3(02), 43-49.

Mills, A (2003) Property and construction professions: the views of industry leaders. Construction Economics and Building, 3(02), 9-14.

Mills, A, Smith, J and Love, P (2002) Barriers to the development of SME's in the Australian construction industry. Construction Economics and Building, 2(02), 71-79.

Motawa, I and Kaka, A (2008) Payment mechanisms for integrated teams in construction. Construction Economics and Building, 8(02), 1-10.

Nadhim, E, A, Hon, C, K, H , Xia, B, Stewart, I and Fang, D (2018) Investigating the Relationships between Safety Climate and Safety Performance Indicators in Retrofitting Works . Construction Economics and Building, 18(02), 110-129.

Najjir, G, Love, P and Runeson, G (2001) Issues for the global construction market. Construction Economics and Building, 1(02), 73-81.

Nani, G, Edwards, P, Adjei-Kumi, T, Badu, E and Amoah, P (2008) Customisation and desirable characteristics of a standard method of measurement for building works in Ghana. Construction Economics and Building, 8(02), 30-40.

Ng, T, Palaneeswaran, E and Kumaraswamy, M (2008) Costs and benefits of ISO9000-based quality management systems to construction contractors. Construction Economics and Building, 8(02), 23-29.

Nimcharoenwon, P and Miller, G (2001) Combating the 'sick building syndrome' by improving indoor air quality. Construction Economics and Building, 1(02), 82-89.

Oke, A E, Aghimien, D O, Aigbavboa, C O and Akinradewo, O I (2020) Appraisal of the drivers of smart city development in South Africa. Construction Economics and Building, 20(02), 109-126.

Oke, A, Atofarati, J and Bello, S (2022) Awareness of 3D printing for sustainable construction in an emerging economy. Construction Economics and Building, 22(02), 52-68.

Oke,A.E, Aghimien,D.O, Akinradewo,O.I and Aigbavboa, C.O (2020) Improving resilience of cities through smart city drivers. Construction Economics and Building, 20(02), 45-64.

Okoro, C.S, Musonda, I and Agumba, J.N (2019) Validity and reliability of a transportation infrastructure sustainable performance framework: a study of transport projects in South Africa. Construction Economics and Building, 19(02), 126-143.

Okoye, P, U (2018) Occupational Health and Safety Risk Levels of Building Construction Trades in Nigeria . Construction Economics and Building, 18(02), 92-109.

Olanipekun, A.O and Saka, N (2019) Response of the Nigerian construction sector to economic shocks. Construction Economics and Building, 19(02), 160-180.

Onukwube, H and Iyagba, R (2011) Construction professionals job performance and characteristics: a comparison of indigenous and expatriate construction companies in Nigeria. Construction Economics and Building, 11(02), 71-83.

Onukwube, H N (2012) Correlates of job satisfaction amongst quantity surveyors in consulting firms in Lagos, Nigeria. Construction Economics and Building, 12(02), 43-54.

Oo, B L and Lim, B T H (2021) Changes in job situations for women workforce in construction during the covid-19 pandemic. Construction Economics and Building, 21(02), 34-57.

Oyodele, L, Jaiyeoba, B and Fadeyi, M (2003) Design factors influencing quality of building projects in Nigeria: consultants' perception. Construction Economics and Building, 3(02), 25-32.

Paul, C A, Aghimien, D O, Ibrahim, A D and Ibrahim, Y M (2021) Measures for curbing unethical practices among construction industry professionals: Quantity surveyors’ perspective. Construction Economics and Building, 21(02), 1-17.

Rahmani, F, Khalfan, M, M, A and Maqsood, T (2016) Lessons learnt from the use of relationship-based procurement methods in Australia: clients’ perspectives . Construction Economics and Building, 16(02), 1-13.

Ramachandra, T and Rotimi, J (2011) The nature of payment problems in the New Zealand construction industry. Construction Economics and Building, 11(02), 22-33.

Rameezdeen, R and Rodrigo, A (2014) Modifications to standard forms of contract: the impact on readability. Construction Economics and Building, 14(02), 31-40.

Rotimi, J and Ramanayaka, C (2015) Analysis of the influence of a strategy-led planning approach on successful construction project implementation. Construction Economics and Building, 15(02), 13-30.

Runeson, G (2011) The demise of the journal ranking: a victory for common sense. Construction Economics and Building, 11(02), 99-100.

Rustom, R (2006) Formulation of generic simulation models for analyzing construction claims. Construction Economics and Building, 6(02), 11-19.

Sørensen, N L, Rasmussen, F N, Øien, T B and Frandsen, A K (2020) Holistic sustainability: advancing interdisciplinary building design through tools and data in Denmark. Construction Economics and Building, 20(02), 25-44.

Saha, S, greville, C and Mullins, T (2001) Optimisation of construction process inspection rates using a learning approach. Construction Economics and Building, 1(02), 1-13.

Sanni, A, O (2016) Factors determining the success of public private partnership projects in Nigeria . Construction Economics and Building, 16(02), 42-55.

Sargent, K, Hyland, P and Sawang, S (2012) Factors influencing the adoption of information technology in a construction business. Construction Economics and Building, 12(02), 72-86.

Shakantu, W, Muya, M, Tookey, J and Bowen, P (2008) Evaluating truck empty running in construction: a case study from Cape Town, South Africa. Construction Economics and Building, 8(02), 41-49.

Sher, W, Williams, A and Northcote, M (2015) The lived experience of online educators: insights from construction management. Construction Economics and Building, 15(02), 49-62.

Siew, R Y J (2014) Human resource management in the construction industry – Sustainability competencies. Construction Economics and Building, 14(02), 87-103.

Smallwood, J and Venter, D (2001) The role of the media in South African construction health and safety. Construction Economics and Building, 1(02), 37-46.

Steinhardt, D, A and Manley, K (2016) Exploring the beliefs of Australian prefabricated house builders . Construction Economics and Building, 16(02), 27-41.

Stewart, P (2001) The role of e-commerce systems for the construction industry. Construction Economics and Building, 1(02), 24-36.

Stewart, P, Robinson, J and Low, S (2005) The business case for sustainable design - the City of Melbourne CH2 project. Construction Economics and Building, 5(02), 58-70.

Strahorn, S, Galendran, T and Brewer, G (2015) The influence of trust in traditional contracting: investigating the "lived experience" of stakeholders. Construction Economics and Building, 15(02), 81-101.

Stringfellow, P (2014) Construction contractors’ involvement in disaster management planning. Construction Economics and Building, 14(02), 120-132.

Sun, Y and Goh, B H (2015) Contribution index based on green building certification systems. Construction Economics and Building, 15(02), 31-48.

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Sundquist, J, Larsson, B and Lindahl, G (2007) Cooperation in the building sector between building material manufacturers and contractors to develop products. Construction Economics and Building, 7(02), 45-53.

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Tawalare, A, G and Laishram, B (2018) Relational Contracting Conceptual Model for Public Sector Construction Organisations: An Indian Context . Construction Economics and Building, 18(02), 70-91.

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Warren-Myers, G and McRae, E (2017) Volume Home Building: The Provision of Sustainability Information for New Homebuyers . Construction Economics and Building, 17(02), 24-40.

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