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Adams, J D and Brown, A W (2002) Project management in public sector construction projects: assessing value for money. Journal of Construction Procurement, 8(02), 84–100.

Agapiou, A and Dainty, A R J (2003) Client-led approaches to increasing participation of women, ethnic minorities and disabled people in the construction workforce: a framework for change. Journal of Construction Procurement, 9(02), 4–16.

Al-Meshekeh, H S (2001) The effect of conflict management upon project effectiveness. Journal of Construction Procurement, 7(02), 15–30.

Al-Tabtabai, H (2002) Construction procurement strategy selection using analytical hierarchy process. Journal of Construction Procurement, 8(02), 117–32.

Ambrose, M D and Tucker, S N (2000) Procurement system evaluation for the construction industry. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Aouad, G F, Hinks, J, Cooper, R, Sheath, D M, Kagioglou, M and Sexton, M (1998) An information technology (IT) map for a generic design and construction process protocol. Journal of Construction Procurement, 4(02), 132–51.

Aouad, G F, Kawooya, A A O and Price, A D F (1996) Construction planning models: a review of history, capabilities and limitations. Journal of Construction Procurement, 2(02), 19–37.

Banik, G C (2001) Construction productivity improvement: current US perspective. Journal of Construction Procurement, 7(02), 60–71.

Chan, A P C (1995) Towards an expert system on project procurement. Journal of Construction Procurement, 1(02), 111–23.

Chang, Y H and Tang, B (2005) Trust, partnership and power in construction: theory and applications in Hong Kong. Journal of Construction Procurement, 11(02), 94-111.

Cheung, F Y K, Rowlinson, S, Jefferies, M and Lau, E (2005) Relationship contracting in Australia. Journal of Construction Procurement, 11(02).

Cox, A and Furlong, P (1995) European procurement rules and national preference: explaining the local sourcing of public works contracts in the EU in 1993. Journal of Construction Procurement, 1(02), 87–99.

Crook, D (1997) Empirical enquiry or metaphysics? Re-specifying the methodological debate. Journal of Construction Procurement, 3(02), 56–71.

Drew, D, Li, H and Shen, L Y (2000) Feedback in Competitive Fee Tendering. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Edum-Fotwe, F T, Thorpe, A and McCaffer, R (2000) Assessing potential of on-line transaction for information as a resource in the construction process. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Edwards, P J and Bowen, P A (1998) Risk and risk management in construction: towards more appropriate research techniques. Journal of Construction Procurement, 4(02), 103–15.

Ekström, M A and Bjornsson, H C (2002) Trust building tools supporting electronic bidding in construction. Journal of Construction Procurement, 8(02), 133–47.

Finnemore, M, Sarshar, M, Haigh, R, Goulding, J, Barrett, P and Aouad, G F (2000) Can process capability be used to manage the construction supply chain?. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Fortune, C and Hinks, J (1999) Quality issues in building project price forecasting: factors affecting model selection. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 129–40.

Gidado, K and Barter, G (1996) The constraints to effective information flow in the construction management procurement system. Journal of Construction Procurement, 2(02), 52–68.

Gransberg, D D and Molenaar, K (2003) A synthesis of design-builder selection methods for public infrastructure projects. Journal of Construction Procurement, 9(02), 40–51.

Green, S D (1999) Partnering: the propaganda of corporatism?. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 177–86.

Holt, G D (1997) Construction research questionnaires and attitude measurement: relative index or mean?. Journal of Construction Procurement, 3(02), 88–96.

Hong, X and Proverbs, D (2003) Contractor relationships: a comparison in Japan, the UK and the US. Journal of Construction Procurement, 9(02), 52–64.

Jeffries, M, Gameson, R, Chen, S E and Elliott, T (2001) The Justification and Implementation of Project Alliances - Reflections From the Wandoo B Development. Journal of Construction Procurement, 7(02), 31–41.

Kadefors, A (2005) Trust in construction: cognitive traps as obstacles to collaborative contracting strategies. Journal of Construction Procurement, 11(02).

Kaka, A P and Boussabaine, A H (1999) Updating techniques for cumulative cost forecasting on construction projects. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 141–58.

Kashiwagi, D T and Byfield, R (2002) Project MA Case study of potential impact of subjective decision making on construction performance. Journal of Construction Procurement, 8(02), 101–16.

Kashiwagi, D T and Mayo, R E (2001) Best Value Procurement in Construction Using Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Construction Procurement, 7(02), 42–59.

Kumaraswamy, M M and Chan, D W M (1999) Factors facilitating faster construction. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 88–98.

Kumaraswamy, M M and Dissanayaka, S M (1996) Procurement by objectives. Journal of Construction Procurement, 2(02), 38–51.

Lahdenperä, P (1999) Restructuring the building industry for improved performance. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 118–28.

Lam, P T I (2004) An investigation into the use of specifications in procuring construction works. Journal of Construction Procurement, 10(02).

Lee, A, Kagioglou, M, Cooper, R and Aouad, G F (2000) Production Management: The Process Protocol Approach. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Lenard, D (1999) Future challenges in construction management: creating a symbiotic learning environment. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 197–210.

Lenard, D, Raftery, J and McGeorge, D (1997) Designing a research methodology. Journal of Construction Procurement, 3(02), 19–33.

Ling, Y Y (2000) A theoretical framework for selection of consultants by design-build contractors. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Ling, Y Y, Khee, H Y and Lim, K S G (2000) The reasons why clients prefer to procure more projects based on design-bid-build than design-and-build. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Lingard, H, Hughes, W and Chinyio, E (1998) The impact of contractor selection method on transaction costs: a review. Journal of Construction Procurement, 4(02), 89–102.

McCabe, S (1997) Using suitable tools for researching what quality managers in construction organizations actually do. Journal of Construction Procurement, 3(02), 72–87.

McDermott, P and Quinn, B (1995) Latham causes conflict: institutional development in the UK construction industry. Journal of Construction Procurement, 1(02), 150–64.

Miller, C, Packham, G and Thomas, B (2003) Inter-organisational relationships and their effect upon small construction enterprises in South Wales: co-operation at a cost. Journal of Construction Procurement, 9(02), 17–28.

Morledge, R and Adnan, H (2005) The importance of trust to the success of joint venture projects. Journal of Construction Procurement, 11(02).

Muya, M, Price, A D F, Thorpe, A and Edum-Fotwe, F (1999) Application of analytic hierarchy process to the evaluation of logistics factors and their contribution to improvements in construction materials supply. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 99–117.

Naismith, N, Price, A D F, Dainty, A R J, Bryman, A, Greasley, K and Soetanto, R (2005) Engendering trust in the construction supply chain. Journal of Construction Procurement, 11(02).

Newcombe, R (2000) An Investigation into Simulating the Procurement Process in the United Kingdom Construction Industry. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Newcombe, R (1999) Procurement as a learning process. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 211–20.

Nicholas, J, Holt, G D and Harris, P T (2000) An Investigation into Predicting Materials Suppliers' Profits. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Ogunlana, S O (1999) Procurement lessons from Solomon's temple project. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 187–96.

Oyegoke, A S and Kiiras, J (2004) Two generic perspectives of CM contracting systems: a case of the US, the UK and Finland. Journal of Construction Procurement, 10(02).

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: construction management; management contracting; construction manager; guaranteed maximum price; consulting; contracting; contingency
  • URL: http://www.journalofconstructionprocurement.com/abstractdetails.asp?id=119
  • Abstract:
    This paper provides a framework for classifying CM contracting systems for general applicability in different practices. The American, the British and the Finnish CM practices have been used as a frame of reference. Interrelationships between construction phases, processes, parties, procedures, and activities are analysed in the literature. The results classify CM contracts into two main types, a consulting CM and contracting CM based on: (1) the definitions (2) the contractual links and arrangements; (3) the information links; (4) the contractual risks; (5) the project responsibilities; (6) the role of CM firm; and (7) the type of organization that is engaged in CM tasks.

Perrin, R and Price, A D F (2004) Developing teams and the allocation of rewards within a team environment. Journal of Construction Procurement, 10(02).

Ramsay-Dawber, P A (1995) A critique of the business performance measures of UK construction companies. Journal of Construction Procurement, 1(02), 100–10.

Rashid, K B A (2002) An assessment on the systems of registration of contracting firms in Malaysia. Journal of Construction Procurement, 8(02), 148–59.

Ribeiro, F L (2001) BOT model: the Portuguese case. Journal of Construction Procurement, 7(02), 72–86.

Ribeiro, F L (1998) Delivering large scale building projects: a case study. Journal of Construction Procurement, 4(02), 77–88.

Rooke, J D (1997) Developing a more empirical approach to culture, attitude and motivation in construction management research: a critique and a proposal. Journal of Construction Procurement, 3(02), 45–55.

Root, D S, Thorpe, A, Thomson, D S, Austin, S A and Hammond, J W (2003) Design chains: introducing supply chain management into the construction design process. Journal of Construction Procurement, 9(02), 29–39.

Root, D, Fellows, R F and Hancock, M (1997) Quantitative versus qualitative or positivism and interactionism: a reflection of ideology in the current methodological debate?. Journal of Construction Procurement, 3(02), 34–44.

Ross, A D, Scullion, J S and Goulding, J S (2006) A decision support approach to procurement arrangement design. Journal of Construction Procurement, 12(02).

Rowlinson, S, Matthews, J, Phua, F, McDermott, P and Chapman, T (2000) Emerging issues in procurement systems. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Runeson, G (1997) The methodology of building economics research. Journal of Construction Procurement, 3(02), 3–18.

Runeson, G and Raftery, J (1998) Neo-classical micro-economics as an analytical tool for construction price determination. Journal of Construction Procurement, 4(02), 116–31.

Seo, Y C and Hyan, C T (2004) Procurement system selection model reflecting past performance. Journal of Construction Procurement, 10(02).

Smyth, H J and Thompson, N J (2005) Developing conditions of trust within a framework of trust. Journal of Construction Procurement, 11(02).

Songer, A D, Molenaar, K R and Robinson, G D (1996) Selection factors and success criteria for design-build in the USA and UK. Journal of Construction Procurement, 2(02), 69–82.

Stansfield, F R (1995) Work in the IT industry on usability provides an agenda for improvement of construction procurement methods. Journal of Construction Procurement, 1(02), 124–49.

Uher, T E (1999) Partnering performance in Australia. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 163–76.

Walker, D H T (1996) The contribution of the construction management team to good construction time performance: an Australian experience. Journal of Construction Procurement, 2(02), 4–18.

Wood, G and McDermott, P (2001) Building on trust: a co-operative approach to construction procurement. Journal of Construction Procurement, 7(02), 4–14.