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Adams, J D and Brown, A W (2002) Project management in public sector construction projects: assessing value for money. Journal of Construction Procurement, 8(02), 84–100.

Agapiou, A and Dainty, A R J (2003) Client-led approaches to increasing participation of women, ethnic minorities and disabled people in the construction workforce: a framework for change. Journal of Construction Procurement, 9(02), 4–16.

Al-Meshekeh, H S (2001) The effect of conflict management upon project effectiveness. Journal of Construction Procurement, 7(02), 15–30.

Al-Tabtabai, H (2002) Construction procurement strategy selection using analytical hierarchy process. Journal of Construction Procurement, 8(02), 117–32.

Ambrose, M D and Tucker, S N (2000) Procurement system evaluation for the construction industry. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Aouad, G F, Hinks, J, Cooper, R, Sheath, D M, Kagioglou, M and Sexton, M (1998) An information technology (IT) map for a generic design and construction process protocol. Journal of Construction Procurement, 4(02), 132–51.

Aouad, G F, Kawooya, A A O and Price, A D F (1996) Construction planning models: a review of history, capabilities and limitations. Journal of Construction Procurement, 2(02), 19–37.

Banik, G C (2001) Construction productivity improvement: current US perspective. Journal of Construction Procurement, 7(02), 60–71.

Chan, A P C (1995) Towards an expert system on project procurement. Journal of Construction Procurement, 1(02), 111–23.

Chang, Y H and Tang, B (2005) Trust, partnership and power in construction: theory and applications in Hong Kong. Journal of Construction Procurement, 11(02), 94-111.

Cheung, F Y K, Rowlinson, S, Jefferies, M and Lau, E (2005) Relationship contracting in Australia. Journal of Construction Procurement, 11(02).

Cox, A and Furlong, P (1995) European procurement rules and national preference: explaining the local sourcing of public works contracts in the EU in 1993. Journal of Construction Procurement, 1(02), 87–99.

Crook, D (1997) Empirical enquiry or metaphysics? Re-specifying the methodological debate. Journal of Construction Procurement, 3(02), 56–71.

Drew, D, Li, H and Shen, L Y (2000) Feedback in Competitive Fee Tendering. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Edum-Fotwe, F T, Thorpe, A and McCaffer, R (2000) Assessing potential of on-line transaction for information as a resource in the construction process. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Edwards, P J and Bowen, P A (1998) Risk and risk management in construction: towards more appropriate research techniques. Journal of Construction Procurement, 4(02), 103–15.

Ekström, M A and Bjornsson, H C (2002) Trust building tools supporting electronic bidding in construction. Journal of Construction Procurement, 8(02), 133–47.

Finnemore, M, Sarshar, M, Haigh, R, Goulding, J, Barrett, P and Aouad, G F (2000) Can process capability be used to manage the construction supply chain?. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Fortune, C and Hinks, J (1999) Quality issues in building project price forecasting: factors affecting model selection. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 129–40.

Gidado, K and Barter, G (1996) The constraints to effective information flow in the construction management procurement system. Journal of Construction Procurement, 2(02), 52–68.

Gransberg, D D and Molenaar, K (2003) A synthesis of design-builder selection methods for public infrastructure projects. Journal of Construction Procurement, 9(02), 40–51.

Green, S D (1999) Partnering: the propaganda of corporatism?. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 177–86.

Holt, G D (1997) Construction research questionnaires and attitude measurement: relative index or mean?. Journal of Construction Procurement, 3(02), 88–96.

Hong, X and Proverbs, D (2003) Contractor relationships: a comparison in Japan, the UK and the US. Journal of Construction Procurement, 9(02), 52–64.

Jeffries, M, Gameson, R, Chen, S E and Elliott, T (2001) The Justification and Implementation of Project Alliances - Reflections From the Wandoo B Development. Journal of Construction Procurement, 7(02), 31–41.

Kadefors, A (2005) Trust in construction: cognitive traps as obstacles to collaborative contracting strategies. Journal of Construction Procurement, 11(02).

Kaka, A P and Boussabaine, A H (1999) Updating techniques for cumulative cost forecasting on construction projects. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 141–58.

Kashiwagi, D T and Byfield, R (2002) Project MA Case study of potential impact of subjective decision making on construction performance. Journal of Construction Procurement, 8(02), 101–16.

Kashiwagi, D T and Mayo, R E (2001) Best Value Procurement in Construction Using Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Construction Procurement, 7(02), 42–59.

Kumaraswamy, M M and Chan, D W M (1999) Factors facilitating faster construction. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 88–98.

Kumaraswamy, M M and Dissanayaka, S M (1996) Procurement by objectives. Journal of Construction Procurement, 2(02), 38–51.

Lahdenperä, P (1999) Restructuring the building industry for improved performance. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 118–28.

Lam, P T I (2004) An investigation into the use of specifications in procuring construction works. Journal of Construction Procurement, 10(02).

Lee, A, Kagioglou, M, Cooper, R and Aouad, G F (2000) Production Management: The Process Protocol Approach. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Lenard, D (1999) Future challenges in construction management: creating a symbiotic learning environment. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 197–210.

Lenard, D, Raftery, J and McGeorge, D (1997) Designing a research methodology. Journal of Construction Procurement, 3(02), 19–33.

Ling, Y Y (2000) A theoretical framework for selection of consultants by design-build contractors. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Ling, Y Y, Khee, H Y and Lim, K S G (2000) The reasons why clients prefer to procure more projects based on design-bid-build than design-and-build. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Lingard, H, Hughes, W and Chinyio, E (1998) The impact of contractor selection method on transaction costs: a review. Journal of Construction Procurement, 4(02), 89–102.

McCabe, S (1997) Using suitable tools for researching what quality managers in construction organizations actually do. Journal of Construction Procurement, 3(02), 72–87.

McDermott, P and Quinn, B (1995) Latham causes conflict: institutional development in the UK construction industry. Journal of Construction Procurement, 1(02), 150–64.

Miller, C, Packham, G and Thomas, B (2003) Inter-organisational relationships and their effect upon small construction enterprises in South Wales: co-operation at a cost. Journal of Construction Procurement, 9(02), 17–28.

Morledge, R and Adnan, H (2005) The importance of trust to the success of joint venture projects. Journal of Construction Procurement, 11(02).

Muya, M, Price, A D F, Thorpe, A and Edum-Fotwe, F (1999) Application of analytic hierarchy process to the evaluation of logistics factors and their contribution to improvements in construction materials supply. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 99–117.

Naismith, N, Price, A D F, Dainty, A R J, Bryman, A, Greasley, K and Soetanto, R (2005) Engendering trust in the construction supply chain. Journal of Construction Procurement, 11(02).

Newcombe, R (2000) An Investigation into Simulating the Procurement Process in the United Kingdom Construction Industry. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Newcombe, R (1999) Procurement as a learning process. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 211–20.

Nicholas, J, Holt, G D and Harris, P T (2000) An Investigation into Predicting Materials Suppliers' Profits. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Ogunlana, S O (1999) Procurement lessons from Solomon's temple project. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 187–96.

Oyegoke, A S and Kiiras, J (2004) Two generic perspectives of CM contracting systems: a case of the US, the UK and Finland. Journal of Construction Procurement, 10(02).

Perrin, R and Price, A D F (2004) Developing teams and the allocation of rewards within a team environment. Journal of Construction Procurement, 10(02).

Ramsay-Dawber, P A (1995) A critique of the business performance measures of UK construction companies. Journal of Construction Procurement, 1(02), 100–10.

Rashid, K B A (2002) An assessment on the systems of registration of contracting firms in Malaysia. Journal of Construction Procurement, 8(02), 148–59.

Ribeiro, F L (2001) BOT model: the Portuguese case. Journal of Construction Procurement, 7(02), 72–86.

Ribeiro, F L (1998) Delivering large scale building projects: a case study. Journal of Construction Procurement, 4(02), 77–88.

Rooke, J D (1997) Developing a more empirical approach to culture, attitude and motivation in construction management research: a critique and a proposal. Journal of Construction Procurement, 3(02), 45–55.

Root, D S, Thorpe, A, Thomson, D S, Austin, S A and Hammond, J W (2003) Design chains: introducing supply chain management into the construction design process. Journal of Construction Procurement, 9(02), 29–39.

Root, D, Fellows, R F and Hancock, M (1997) Quantitative versus qualitative or positivism and interactionism: a reflection of ideology in the current methodological debate?. Journal of Construction Procurement, 3(02), 34–44.

Ross, A D, Scullion, J S and Goulding, J S (2006) A decision support approach to procurement arrangement design. Journal of Construction Procurement, 12(02).

Rowlinson, S, Matthews, J, Phua, F, McDermott, P and Chapman, T (2000) Emerging issues in procurement systems. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(02).

Runeson, G (1997) The methodology of building economics research. Journal of Construction Procurement, 3(02), 3–18.

Runeson, G and Raftery, J (1998) Neo-classical micro-economics as an analytical tool for construction price determination. Journal of Construction Procurement, 4(02), 116–31.

Seo, Y C and Hyan, C T (2004) Procurement system selection model reflecting past performance. Journal of Construction Procurement, 10(02).

Smyth, H J and Thompson, N J (2005) Developing conditions of trust within a framework of trust. Journal of Construction Procurement, 11(02).

Songer, A D, Molenaar, K R and Robinson, G D (1996) Selection factors and success criteria for design-build in the USA and UK. Journal of Construction Procurement, 2(02), 69–82.

Stansfield, F R (1995) Work in the IT industry on usability provides an agenda for improvement of construction procurement methods. Journal of Construction Procurement, 1(02), 124–49.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: information technology; participation; usability; user
  • ISBN/ISSN: 1358-9180
  • URL: http://www.journalofconstructionprocurement.com/abstractdetails.asp?id=9
  • Abstract:
    Consideration of user needs during the construction procurement process should be improved for reasons including past experience where such needs have been neglected, changing work roles during the procurement process, public concern about construction industry performance, quality issues and pressures arising from internationalization. Construction can learn from the IT industry in meeting these needs, particularly in terms of evaluating usability. Experience from the IT industry suggests that ways by which construction procurement could benefit from better consideration of usability include cost-effective increases in investment in such techniques, elaboration of procurement systems to encompass usability issues, better allocation of responsibilities for user issues, and provision of a theoretical framework within which usability issues can be understood. Such developments are needed for construction as an industry to be competitive.

Uher, T E (1999) Partnering performance in Australia. Journal of Construction Procurement, 5(02), 163–76.

Walker, D H T (1996) The contribution of the construction management team to good construction time performance: an Australian experience. Journal of Construction Procurement, 2(02), 4–18.

Wood, G and McDermott, P (2001) Building on trust: a co-operative approach to construction procurement. Journal of Construction Procurement, 7(02), 4–14.