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Lansley, P R and Quince, T (1981) Organizational responses to a major recession. Construction Papers, 1(02), 5–16.

Lowe, J G (1983) Control of direct labour: a critical review. Construction Papers, 2(02), 53–60.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: control; labour; critical review; legislation
  • URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343039267_Control_of_Direct_Labour_A_Critical_Review
  • Abstract:

    This paper presents a critical review of the recent legislation designed to control the operation of local authority construction departments. An analysis of the market structure for local authority contracts leads to the establishment of two alternative models for optimal direct labour pricing policy. Problems which might arise due to the above are discussed, along with the provisions of the 1980 Local Government, Planning and Land Act. A prediction of how these provisions might work out in practice and suggestions for an alternative method of control concludes the paper.

Runeson, G and Bennett, J (1983) Tendering and the price level in the New Zealand building industry. Construction Papers, 2(02), 29–35.

Russo, J G (1981) Construction marketing in the USA: a viable system for success and control. Construction Papers, 1(02), 29–35.

Woodhead, W D and Salomonsson, G D (1983) A computer based system for recording and analysing building site labour input. Construction Papers, 2(02), 47–52.