ARCOM Workshops
An important part of our activity is the organisation of Research Workshops in different locations around the UK
ARCOM workshops are primarily aimed at postgraduate and doctoral students, enabling them to share their research with others. Workshops are either focused on specific subject area within the construction management context, or on more general considerations of research and the PhD process.
The workshops are usually structured to allow the presentation of doctoral students' work and permit discussion with the wider workshop attendance. They seek to support work-in-progress and therefore participation, either as presenter or attendee, is encouraged from postgraduate students at all stages of their research. Established academics and industry practitioners are also welcomed, to provide their insight and comment on current research activities.
Interactive workshops also feature in the ARCOM programme, where postgraduate and doctoral students are able to actively participate in activities to support the development of their research and academic careers. The inaugural interactive workshop was held at Manchester University in 2011, and explored the art of academic writing and publication through a mock article review process.
Attendance at workshops is free, lunch is provided, and there are a number of travel bursaries available for students who are ARCOM members and would otherwise not be able to attend.
Papers presented at the workshops will be published in the ARCOM Doctoral Workshop Proceedings Series.
For more information, please explore the forthcoming and past events.
If you are interested in hosting a similar event, please contact the workshop convenor.

Participants of the Large Infrastructure Projects: Challenges and Opportunities Doctoral Workshop
held at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, 2019

Participants of the Building Asset Management Early Career Researchers and Doctoral Workshop
held at Glasgow Caledonian University, 2017

Participants of the 'Going North for Sustainability Doctoral Workshop' held at London South Bank University, 2016

Participants of the Doctoral Workshop on Research Methodology held at Dublin Institute of Technology, 2015

Participants of the Doctoral Workshop: Sustainable Urban Retrofit and Technologies
held at London South Bank University, 2014

Participants of the Interactive Doctoral Workshop: Defending your PhD held at the University of Salford, 2014

Participants of the Doctoral Workshop on BIM: management and interoperability held at Birmingham City University, 2013