Online publications
ARCOM seeks to provide support for researchers through its excellent publications. Our informative newsletter is distributed free to all MyARCOM members, and back issues are available here after publication. Full-text PDFs of individual papers are available for free download from our website. A most valuable resource, the ARCOM Construction Management Abstracts, has proved to be a very popular and useful resource for researchers. Due to its success, we have placed this resource on-line as a searchable database of abstracts from the leading journals in the field, as well as from the ARCOM Conference Proceedings. We are constantly adding information to this database. Please click here for further information.

The ARCOM Book
Building a discipline: The story of construction management
Edited by David Langford and Will Hughes
In order to sense the future, scholars and business leaders are increasingly seeking to understand the past. This book seeks to trace the history of the discipline of Construction Management (CM) and it does so by looking at the contribution of the construction practices in ancient times, the middle ages and the immediate post World War II period.
The book then goes on to explore how the growth in the number of University courses in CM has stimulated the discipline. Following on from this, there is coverage of the expansion in the range and scale of research into CM together with the building of supporting research and professional institutions. This is followed by an evaluation of the role of the range of the supporting academic journals.
In order to illustrate the geographical scope of the discipline, the story unfolds with a number of examples of how CM as a discipline has developed in significant locations around the world.
Finally, from our current knowledge of the discipline today, the book concludes with an evaluation of the possible futures and trajectories of CM.
Download your copy of this great resource here!
Printed publications
As of May 2014 we no longer sell hard-copy versions of our publications. However, if you would like to source any of our past publications please contact us and we will see what we can do.