ARCOM Membership
ARCOM brings together all those interested in construction management research

The aim of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) is to further the advancement of knowledge in all aspects of management in construction by supporting education, dissemination and research. Our lively quarterly newsletter keeps members in touch with the latest ARCOM news. The highly acclaimed annual conference brings together researchers from all over the world.
Various research workshops provide a means to develop specific subject themes as well as general research methodology. Our publications form a very useful resource for all researchers in this field.
These activities help to encourage excellence in the research of our members. Our members include research students, lecturers, professors, consultants, other practitioners and institutions. Although we are primarily a UK association, we welcome members from all over the world. It provides opportunities for contact between researchers in similar fields and between researchers and practitioners.
There are two types of memberships: individual membership and institutional membership. Click here to download a PDF containing all the details, or read on below.
Individual membership
Individual membership is open to any interested person. Individual members pay an annual membership fee (from 1st May to 30th April). There are two types of individual memberships and their associated costs are as follows:
- Full membership: £20
- Student membership: £15
Individuals taking out individual membership will enjoy the membership discount at ARCOM conferences which is currently £25. (Please note only paid-up members are eligible for the discount.)
To join ARCOM as an individual member, please click here to first create a MyARCOM online account, then register yourself as a member.
Institutional membership
Institutional membership relates only to Postgraduate Researchers. This enables a University Department to pay a single fee for all of its Postgraduate Researchers. The fee for institutional membership is determined by the number of Postgraduate Researchers registered in the Department concerned. The annual subscription (from 1st May to 30th April) for institutional membership payable by university departments is based on a flat band fee. The rates are as follows:
- University departments with 1-10 postgraduate researchers: £150
- University departments with 11-20 postgraduate researchers: £300
- University departments with over 20 postgraduate researchers: £500
What we provide for our institutional membership includes the following:
- University departments taking out institutional memberships will have their names included on the ARCOM website and prominently within the conference proceedings and abstracts book.
- Postgraduate Researchers at university departments taking out institutional membership will enjoy the membership discount for ARCOM conferences, which is currently £25 (though note that staff members will not receive a discount unless they are individual members).
We are pleased to be associated with the following institutional members:
- Glasgow Caledonian University
- Leeds Beckett University
- Liverpool John Moores University
- London South Bank University
- Loughborough University
- Northumbria University
- Queen's University Belfast
- Technological University Dublin
- Ulster University
- University College London
- University College of Estate Management
- University of Brighton
- University of Huddersfield
- University of Limerick
- University of Manchester
- University of Reading
- University of Salford
To join ARCOM as an institutional member, please contact the Membership Secretary for full details.