International Contacts
ARCOM has established a number of links with organisations in several parts of the world
These links have been set up with a view to facilitating international co-operation between ARCOM members and members of these organisations. The purpose is to facilitate international research and raise the profile of ARCOM internationally. ARCOM members may have new suggestions or proposals they wish to pursue and we would be delighted to hear them.
The purpose of our agreements is set up channels of communication between researchers in different countries. There are a number of specific areas of international co-operation, which are encouraged, including:
- Advertising our conferences and activities more widely through our websites, newsletters and similar
- Supplying keynote speakers for conferences through our memberships
- Finding collaborators and other opportunities for working together through our various leads
- Disseminating our research and papers through our organisations
- Seeking out emerging and established scholars from across the globe, with the possibility of “guest speaking”
- Organising webinars to debate on globally topical issues
- Complementing and supporting the work of organizations like CIB and CNBR
- Hosting ARCOM workshops
The following organisations have current Memoranda of Agreement with ARCOM:
- The Construction Research Council, The American Society of Engineers (ASCE)
- The Association of Schools of Construction of Southern Africa (ASOCSA)
- The Australasian Universities Building Education Association (AUBEA)
- International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB)
- The Chinese Research Institute of Construction Management (CRIOCM)
- Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) Construction Division
- The Engineering Project Organisation Society (EPOS) in the USA
- The Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation (NCCEO)

For more information or if interested, members of ARCOM are invited to contact our International Liaison Officer ( who will be delighted to assist in liaising with any of the organisations in the list above.